--Wednesday, April 28, 2004--

hey huips, as u know, i've not been blogging for a long long time.
And you've been asking me to blog more often huh..hee..pai seh.
Nothing much is happening over here....sianzz...wish you were here...my life over here is pretty boring. Miss home very very much. I'm homesick.
Can't wait for this semester to be over, looking forward to the winter break in june when i can go over to melbourne to look for jinfang.
Went over to melbourne the week before (during our 1 week break) and we had a hell of a good time just hanging out, talking, watching vcds, eating, sleeping....
Miss you lots and all my friends back home.

--Tuesday, March 09, 2004--

Huipsy, missing you lots. Chatted with you last night and it seems you're busy busy busy heee....busy during school days, busy during the weekend with your idol chasing adventures =) Sounds like fun and i bet you're already an expert...knowing where to get the best spots, how to go about doing ur "patrol" hee. And hope that the digicam will give you even more fun ya....snap more shots and send them over to me yeah? Can even save money, without having to develop them. Make some changes to my blog if you want and if you have the time....getting pretty bored with this black background. I guess you've got my username and password huh. Go ahead and do whatever you want. Gotta head to a lecture soon...catch up soon. Luv, Chaps

--Thursday, October 09, 2003--

Busy busy busy....1 word to describe life over here these days. And i'm starting to feel sick. Caught a flu recently...sob...sob...puffy eyes, running nose :(
Just had a group presentation earlier this week, phew! 1 hurdle down...5 more to go before the end of the semester. 4 more essays and 1 final exam. 1 Sociology essay due tomorrow and i'm not even half way through it. I can sense a long night waiting for me later.... :(
How're you doing? Good i hope
It's Spring now over here, it's not that cold but windy.
Luckily, will be back during summer...u don't wanna spend summer here in Queensland, known to be the "sunshine state". You'll get heat stroke i tell ya...much worse than S'pore
Alrightie, i'm heading to tutorial now. Catch up with u soon.
Looking forward to coming back :)

--Thursday, September 18, 2003--

It's not that super hot these 2 days. There's at least some wind and at night, still a bit cooling. Don't know why, that few days i complain to you about...so hot! The weather here is so weird.
Yesterday just handed in 1 essay. Tomorrow, there's another 1 due. Almost done with that already, left some touching up to do later. Phew!!! My nightmare is almost over BUT!!!!! The end of 1 nightmare is the beginning of the next haaa =P
After this weekend, i'll have to start working on my next essay and a debate that's coming up right after our 1 week break. Hmmm....but let me enjoy and relax this weekend first, then will have to start working hard once again.
Alright, i've a tutorial class to head to. Now in uni library, going off soon. Ta! (",)

--Friday, September 12, 2003--

Spring is here but feels like summer. Very very hot, very hot, very hot...arrghhhhh. Heee...please hear me complain k. Feeling sticky and dry all over. Beginning to miss winter already.

--Friday, August 29, 2003--

Hey there, heheee...i'm in uni now. Been pretty busy the past week. Just had a mid-sem exam earlier this week and an assignment due today! I know i haven't been writing emails lately. Wanna let you know i'm still alive and kicking haha. Now waiting for a friend to come to uni, we're gonna play badminton later in the sports hall. Have also been going to the gym a few times a week since a few weeks ago. Been putting on weight..hehee...so better watch out man. If not, can't recognise me liao.
Miss you guys lots lots lots! Write soon. Have fun

--Monday, August 04, 2003--

Hey pp, it has been a long time since i wrote in my blog as well (huipsy, you're not alone hehe). Just read your blog before i decided to make a posting here now. You sound so big liao heee...after knowing you've hanged out with the gors heee (will i be able to recognise you when i'm back in a few mths' time ha). So you've busy with school work (projects and presentation stuff huh) and ncc. Having fun as well? :)
Right now, this is our 2nd week of the new semester. Another 7 more weeks, there'll be a 1 week break and angela is gonna fly over here to visit us and hangout. The semester will fly pass us so fast, before we know it, the exams are gonna be here and i'll be back! (",) Keep me updated ya. Drop me an email sometime...short ones also nevermind. Miss ya lots! :)