--Monday, August 04, 2003--

Hey pp, it has been a long time since i wrote in my blog as well (huipsy, you're not alone hehe). Just read your blog before i decided to make a posting here now. You sound so big liao heee...after knowing you've hanged out with the gors heee (will i be able to recognise you when i'm back in a few mths' time ha). So you've busy with school work (projects and presentation stuff huh) and ncc. Having fun as well? :)
Right now, this is our 2nd week of the new semester. Another 7 more weeks, there'll be a 1 week break and angela is gonna fly over here to visit us and hangout. The semester will fly pass us so fast, before we know it, the exams are gonna be here and i'll be back! (",) Keep me updated ya. Drop me an email sometime...short ones also nevermind. Miss ya lots! :)